Dr. Balogh Judit

Prof. Dr. Habil. Judit Balogh

Professor of History

Prof. Dr. habil. Judit Balogh historian academic CV


1986-91. I graduated from the Faculty of Humanities of the Kossuth Lajos University of Debrecen with a diploma in Hungarian History.

1991. I won first place at the National Scientific Student Conference in Szeged with my thesis on the Szekler politics of Gábor Báthory.

1991-1992: Secondary school teacher at the Földes Ferenc High School in Miskolc.

September 1992: At the University of Miskolc, Institute of Humanities, then Department of History and Ancillary Sciences of the University of Miskolc, he is a lecturer in the ancillary sciences of history, early modern source studies, the history of the Principality of Transylvania, the history of the Reformation and the history of the Szekler region.

1994: PhD student at the Doctoral Programme in History at the Kossuth Lajos University of Debrecen. My thesis was titled: The formation of the Szekler nation in the 17th century.

November 2001: I graduated Summa cum Laude with a PhD in History from the University of Debrecen.

2002. Associate Professor.

17 November 2008. Habilitation at the University of Debrecen.

2010. associate professor.

Academic degrees:

2001 PhD DE

2008 habilitation DE

Positions, titles:

1986-1989 MTA TMB research fellow (at the Department of Medieval and Early Modern Hungarian History, ELTE BTK)

1989-1990 MTA-ELTE Atelier research fellow

1990 - ELTE BTK Institute of History, Department of Medieval and Early Modern Hungarian History, assistant lecturer, adjunct professor, then associate professor

Since 2005 Head of the Department of Medieval and Early Modern Hungarian History

University assignments:

1994-1995 Faculty Secretary of the Scientific Student Circle

1997-1999 Teaching in the Hungarian History Department of Babeş-Bolyai University

2002-2006 Scientific Secretary of the Doctoral School of History

Since 2005 Member of the Institute Council of the Institute of History

Member of the Faculty Council since 2013

Head of the Doctoral Programme in Early Modern Hungarian History since 2013

Field of teaching:

Early Modern Hungarian History, including:

History of the Principality of Transylvania

Political and social history of the Kingdom of Hungary in the 16th and 17th centuries

History of Hungarian and universal culture and mentality in the 16th and 17th centuries

Confessionalisation and Transylvanian church history in the 16th-18th centuries

Hungarian palaeography

knowledge of sources



religious history

Research field:

Early modern social history, the history of the Reformation in Hungary with special regard to Puritanism, the history of the Principality of Transylvania, social history.

Lectures on the history of the Reformation in Reformed primary schools.

Study trips at home or abroad

18 April 1991 - 5 May 1991 Research in archives in Cluj-Napoca on a scholarship from the Institute of History of the University of Debrecen.

12 - 20 June 1991 Archival research in Cluj-Napoca.

October 1991- February 28, 1992 Spent half a year in Cluj-Napoca researching the Szekler noble society as part of a one-year Soros doctoral fellowship. With a scholarship from the Department of History of Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, I was a visiting lecturer at the university.

10-23 October 1992 Research at the Cluj Archives with an MÖB scholarship.

February 1993. Participation in the International Conference on the Exploration of America and the Early Modern Age in Lisbon, followed by a two-week study trip to Spain on a scholarship from a Dutch protestant organization.

June 1993. One month MÖB scholarship in Cluj Napoca.

November 1994. One month of research in Cluj-Napoca and Târgu Mures with a grant from Koinonia Publishing House in Cluj-Napoca.

June 1995. One month of research in Cluj-Napoca and Târgu Mures with a grant from Koinonia Publishing House in Cluj-Napoca.

November 1995. Book launch of my book "Ama Grace's Meny-nye dew" in Cluj-Napoca.

June 1996: Research and lecture on the Reformation at the Summer University with a grant from the Sapientia Foundation

September 1996. I participated as a speaker at the International Congress on Christianity and Culture in Rome.

October 1996: One month of research in Cluj-Napoca and Târgu Mures with a grant from the Koinonia Publishing House in Cluj-Napoca. Lecture in Cluj-Napoca on the Reformation.

November 1997: One-week research scholarship in the manuscript archives of the Evangelical Lyceum in Bratislava

June-August 1998: Research in the archives of Cluj and Târgu Mures on the formation of the Szekler noble society.

June 1999: Two-week research grant in the manuscript archives of the Evangelical Lyceum in Bratislava

April 2000: One-week research grant in the manuscript archives of the Evangelical Lyceum in Bratislava

Research activities for the promotion of science

In: The Centuries of the Reformation, a selection from Hungarian collections. The History of the Reformation: Collections from the history of the Reformation, collections from the history of the Reformation, 14th DVD edition. The History of the Reformed Church in Hungary.

Rubicon Masterclass: The armies and campaigns of the Transylvanian princes.

25.07.2013 Lecture for history teachers from abroad, organised by the Rákóczi Association. Diversity of religious life in the Principality of Transylvania.

22.05.2013. Archdiocesan Archives of the Archdiocese of Veszprém: lecture series entitled: "The Ladies of Sárospatak: Zsuzsanna Lorántffy and Zsófia Báthory".

2013.06.05: Archiepiscopal Archives of Veszprém: Lecture series on "The princesses and the freedom of religion".

An annual educational lecture on the Reformation at the Lévay József Reformed Grammar School on Reformation Memorial Day.

University-organised graduation preparation lecture for secondary school students.

Participation in the jury of secondary school study competitions.

Participation as a lecturer in the academic days organised by the Lévay József Reformed Secondary School once a year.

Lecturing on the history of Transylvania and the early modern period at the Petőfi Sándor branch library in Miskolc.

Other activities

Since 2000 I have been the founder and editor of the quarterly scholarly journal Church History Review.

Member of the OTDK jury 2011 - Eger.

OTDK jury member 2013 - Debrecen.

PhD, Habilitation committee memberships.

OTKA refereeing 2013.

Chairing of three OTDK students 2013.

OTKA refereeing 2014.

Awards for scientific activity

30 April 2003 University of Miskolc BTK Jubilee commemorative plaque.

05 November 2003 MTA Miskolc Regional Committee - Scientific Award.

2009: Final rating of the three-year Bolyai János Research Fellowship: outstanding.

Memberships in recognition of scientific activity

Since 2000: Founder and editor of the quarterly scholarly journal Church History Review.

September 2005: I was elected Secretary of the Historical and Ethnographic Committee of the Miskolc Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

September 2005 - September 2006: Elected as Secretary of the Religious Studies Committee of the Miskolc Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

29 April 2008: Founding member and Secretary of the Church History Review Society.

December 2008: I am a member of the Scientific Association for the Monuments of Transylvania.

October 9, 2009.

Awarded scholarships

I spent half a year in Cluj-Napoca researching the Szekler noble society as part of a one-year Soros PhD scholarship from October 1991.

I was awarded a Soros Research Fellowship to conduct research in the archives of Cluj and Târgu Mures on the formation of the Szekler noble society. June-August 1998.

June 2002. "The development of Miskolc as a city in the 17th and 18th centuries from the point of view of schooling and artistic creation" I was awarded a 6-month creative grant from the Miskolc City Arts and Science Scholarships.

September 2003. György Békéssy Postdoctoral Fellowship for 3 years.

2006: I was awarded the City of Miskolc Art and Science Scholarship for 3 months for the research "Micro-historical and mental history analysis of the society of the field town of Miskolc in the period of the reign of Gábor Bethlen".

September 2006: 3-year János Bolyai Research Fellowship. Final report evaluation: outstanding.

September 2010: Repeatedly awarded the 3-year János Bolyai research grant for my research project "Structural changes of the Szekler elite in the 17th century".

1 July 2012: I won the City of Miskolc Creative Fellowship for 3 months.

1 November 2013 I was awarded the János Szentágothai Experienced Researcher Fellowship for one year. Title: The career and role of István Apor in the Transylvanian elite of the late 17th century.

Research proposals

Participation in the OTKA-funded project Transylvanian Royal Books Database. 1995-1997.

Thesis Supervisor proposals

Early modern Szekler society and self-government in Transylvania (1530-1630). 2010.02.01-2013.01.31. OTKA Research proposal. 6320EFt K 82048.

Editorial office of a national and international journal:

Church History Review, member of the editorial board, since 2012

Editor-in-chief of the Church History Review, since 2019

Editorial Board member, from 2011    

CAI - Caiete de antropologie istorica (Cluj-Napoca), member of the editorial board, since 2009

Christian Magvető (Cluj-Napoca) editorial board member, since 2009

KÚT Journal of TDI, ELTE BTK, editor, 2002-2005